
Obama Buys ads in Xbox 360 Games

Check it - http://www.politico.com/static/PPM106_obamascreenshots.html

What do you think? I think the dude has too much money to spend in the next few weeks, lol.


clnmike October 14, 2008 at 1:23 PM  

Now thats why is so ahead of the game right now, this is brilliant.

Can you imagine the Republican stratigists thinking this way?

Obama must have assembled a dream team marketing suad right out of New York.

uglyblackjohn October 14, 2008 at 2:21 PM  

This guy has taken product placement to a whole other level

T October 15, 2008 at 6:29 AM  

LOL! I LOVE IT, especially since the Obama campaign is a line item in my budget.

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