Debate Reaction
First of all, this is not an intellectual commentary on the debate in the least. This is pure disappointment in the tone of the rhetoric from the McCain campaign. I was definitely on the edge for the entire 90 minutes. But the thing that really hurt and disappointed me was that Obama had to directly address the comments made by Lewis, which in my point of view, was a simple observation. It's clear to see that the tone of McCain's rallies have taken on a dangerous tone. A racial, violent, and incendiary tone.
The words "KILL HIM!" and "Terrorist!" were shouted loud enough for McCain and Palin to hear. The real topic that should have been addressed is why did they allow it? Why didn't they repudiate THOSE comments immediately and in front of that very crowd?
However, for Obama to have to repeat those hateful comments nearly brought tears to my eyes (especially since McCain was smirking and basically laughing at the sheer thought). I'll just say I was basically done right then and there.
Long story short, according to CNN and CBS Obama won by a margin of over 20%. That's right Obama has won all 3 debates by simply talking about the ISSUES and maintaining a professional and "presidential" demeanor. Classic.
What did you think?
P.S. - I better not hear SHIT else about Joe Plumber.
Oh and from Fox News *new*:
CNN and CBS - I would expect them to say that Obama won. I watched on Fox (to get more challenging odds) and Fox said that Obama won.
Obama will be the NEXT president of these United States! His cool demeanor is exemplary of leadership under pressure. McCain looked like is was going to burst or spontaneously combust any minute.
Obama definitely won. And you already know how I feel about Joe the Plumber! LOL
First of all - I absolutely love that picture. Secondly, Mccain did everything in his power to upset and get under Obama's skin. I'm proud that Obama was able to keep his composure and cool.
Please check out this article
Joe the Plumber said Obama tapped danced like Sammy Davis Jr. all over his question. Wow.
I skipped this one I already knew it was going to be some BS.
Do Joe the Plumber and Joe Six Pack know each other?
lol @ mp - I thought they were the same dude?
Is Obama brushing the dirt of his shoulders in the pic... I am loving it...
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