
OHN! Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann Removed

OH. Hell. No. What in the hell.....WTF? Huh?

Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews have been removed from their live event anchoring positions at MSNBC. The Washington Post and the Associated Press are reporting that MSNBC has bowed to the pressure of Republicans, Democrats, viewers and journalists at MSNBC and NBC News who believe that Olbermann's and Matthews' style of biased reporting was inappropriate for events like the Democratic and Republican national conventions. The two left leaning anchors will be kept as political commentators and contributors to live events but the anchoring of the major political events, such as the debates and the presidential election in November, will be done by David Gregory, an NBC newsman and White House correspondent who also has his own show on MSNBC.As for their own shows, "Countdown," hosted by Keith Olbermann, and "Hardball," hosted by Chris Matthews, will maintain their regular schedule. Although the internet is alight with stories of Olbermann and Matthews getting fired, canned, or dumped, the truth of the matter is that they've only been taken off anchoring positions at major political events. [thanks associated content]
These are my TWO favorite anchors and I am a bit disappointed with MSNBC for their removal. At any rate, Bill O'Reilly, FOX news, and the Republicans prosper. Wow. Thoughts?


brightstarr September 9, 2008 at 7:16 AM  

THEY ARE MY FAVORITE ANCHORS TOO!!! I wanted to believe this was a false report, but DAMN. At least they will still host their regular shows. Don't forget to tivo Keith Olbermann tonight. He'll be doing part 2 of his interview with Barack Obama. You can find part 1 here -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymZ1aIO7rgI

CNu September 9, 2008 at 8:06 AM  

The lovely Rachel Maddow smokes bofe-a-deez busters. Been my favorite MSNBC personality ever since she neutered that blowhard sack of hot wind Joe Scarborough - and - his troglodyte sidekick Pat Buchanan.

What you think about her new show?

Anonymous September 9, 2008 at 8:26 AM  

This was only a matter of time. I'm left leaning and even I was embarrassed by their obvious bias. If Fox gets criticised for its bias --and it should-- MSNBC is up for criticism, also. I think they did the right thing.

clnmike September 9, 2008 at 10:57 AM  

What the Bozaks!?

Mean while that swine called Fox rides off in the sunset?

MSNBC just lost all street cred.

MP September 10, 2008 at 6:55 AM  

there has been a left leaning biased in the media for the last year. big surprise. it's only recently that i have noticed it letting up a little. i am disappointed by this decision noetheless.

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