Anyone Else Watch "I Want to Work for Diddy?"
I'm obsessed with Diddy's latest show (embarrassed? - yes, will I continue watching it? - hell-to-the-yes). You can describe it as a fast-paced, slightly ghetto jet-setter version of the 'Apprentice'. Kim AKA Poprah, as she calls herself, has been keeping me constantly entertained on the show. Did you all see last week when she broke down and said that the reason that she gained weight was to keep men from hitting on her constantly in the industry? Well, given that she seems a tad bipolar and has once compared herself to greats such as Oprah and Martin Luther King, I was skeptical. Yet, it turns out she wasn't lying (completely) and was definitely kicking it with celebs in the music industry. Who would have thought?
Check it:
[Thanks to straightfromthea]
I tried watching this but... ugh.
(i actually kno the director). but anyways, I watched the first episode but ugh it gave me agita. like it agitated me, lol. so i was just annoyed by the show, and plus there was NO diddy in it. they had some pre-recorded spots they sprinkled in, but thats the charm of a diddy show, DIDDY busting balls. I guess in the latter episodes, there is more Diddy? I dunno you tell me? So I take it the series gets better as it goes on and Diddy is more involved?
My 'show' was From G's To Gents. Do yourself a favor and go on or your ondemand and watch the back episodes if you missed it.
That was some good ish.
I haven't really watched much since Flavor of Love 3, Tila2, and G's To Gents.
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