Finance 101: Coping in a Tight Economic Market
Unfortunately, we've all been watching the news and have heard of the current (and growing) financial crisis taking place on Wall St.. I'm not one to typically give financial advice, but I've been reading some articles, and thought I should set up a sound economic plan for myself (with the help of my financial planner). So, I thought I'd share. Attached are just a few random tips. Add to these as you wish.
- Don't skimp on your 401k - think LONG-TERM. Maybe you want to reallocate your portfolio, but do not skimp on your future. "...history shows that some of the best long-term gains go to investors willing to buy stocks when they’re reviled, as in the years following major setbacks like the 1929 crash and the 1973-1974 bear market." [CNN]
- Think of new and creative ways to cut back.
- Try shopping at your local farmer's market as opposed to eating out - buy only the essentials, don't overdo it in the grocery store.
- Pack your own lunch. To escape the office go for a walk during the day.
- Drink TAP, studies are finding that drinking from a water bottle may actually be more harmful than drinking right from your tap. Takes a little adjusting, but the savings are worth it.
- Take public transportation instead of driving your vehicle.
- Cut back on brand names (generic acetaminophen is the same as Tylenol, lol). And Payless is not the devil, unless you're in those shoes for more than 4 hours, then it's hell.
- Stop smoking!!! That $5 a day habit + future medical expenses will save you a fortune.
- Give yourself a budget each week and take out exactly that much in cash - when you run out you are DONE. Do not allow yourself to use plastic - it's just TOO easy.
4. Stash away that emergency savings (3-6 months living expenses). You never know if your company may be undergoing layoffs as a result of this declining market. Never get too comfortable. Savings should be a minimum of 10% of your income (in addition to your retirement savings).
5. In the event of number four, make sure that your resume is up to date and that you are keeping your skills current. Be ahead of the competition!
6. I know this is a tough one ladies - but try doing your own hair a couple times/month. We all know how expensive the salon can be. However, maybe you can at least discover a Dominican salon - good deals.
7. Get rid of that gym membership and hit the pavement. Cardio is cardio.
Here are a few that are slightly more controversial:
- Do not loan money to friends OR family unless you can afford to NEVER see it again.
- Do not pick up the tab when dining with friends. If they can't afford it, leave them at home. Oh, and please avoid that drunken "Round of shots on me" scene by leaving your plastic at the crib.
- If you can't afford the vacation/tv/computer in cash, then now is not the time to be jet-setting or stunting in Best Buy. Sorry boo. Got to get our money tight and get it right.
P.S. - I really want to start this savings strategy AFTER I buy a new LCD monitor for my computer. Lord show me the way.
So I went to the movies and.....
I'm fed up and I believe we need to have a freaking TOWN HALL MEETING. Here's what happened:
1. Me and my friend decided we were going to see "The Family that Preys"
2. I drove all the way out to Potomac, Maryland to see this movie, avoiding Silver Spring's theater b/c I KNEW it was going to be on and popping in the SS theater.
3. We get in the movies and find a seat....we're pumped up to see this movie.
4. The previews air....... and there's noise, but we're cool b/c it's only previews.
5. The movie begins - and um, I'm a little pissed b/c I am truly believing that the noise will never settle, but um... it doesn't.
6. 30 min into the movie: Still noisy, babies crying, people talking ish, and the people sitting beside us saying "excuse me, coming by" to go wherever...... ARRRRGH!
7. 1 hour into the movie: Still noisy, babies crying, people talking ish, and the people sitting beside us are asking to move to go wherever...... ARRRRGH!
8. A little over half into the damn move people are just coming in to get seated!
I'm taking questions:
Can I bring a baby to the theater?
No, no and HELL NO. Get a sitter or stay your ass at the house. There is no need to make someone pay for your child bearing decision(s). I'm calling CPS if I ever see another baby in the theater at the 10:00 show too..... get your mini me in the bed!
Can I get that seat next to you, even though I'm 45 minutes late and need to walk past 7 people to get that cozy seat in the middle of the aisle?
HELL NO. If you didn't get here in time to get a decent seat, then don't make me miss any line in my movie! If you don't see a seat on the end, wait until the next showtime! However, in the past, I'm more forgiving of this when the person is courteous.
Is it alright if I cut in front of you when the movie is over?
THAT DEPENDS. If you are with a significant other, then cool - I'll let it slide. BUT - if you are trife and trying to cut in front of everybody, SORRY HELL NO! back back and wait.
Should I clap in the middle of the movie? Even if that's my favorite part!
Hm.... NO! I would like to leave out all active participation on my $10 movie! No THANKS!
At the end of the movie, do I clap?
GOOD QUESTION. I don't know the right answer to this. I've seen some good movies, but never felt the need to clap - but do whatever you feel.... the movie is over.
What if I step on your shoe while I'm trying to get out to the aisle and do whatever?
Just let it go.
Can my child kick your chair while you are minding your own business watching the movie?
MF HELL NAH! I can't stand your kicking the chair ass kid and I can't stand you for letting him do it. I've already turned around and looked at YOU and your bad ass kid 10 times. I'm tempted to call Theater Security.
What if my phone rings? Is it okay if I take the call?
NO! Not if I have to turn my damn ringer off [out of courtesy]. Do you see me over here chopping it up with everybody who calls? I think not. Forget it, put the dumb phone on SILENT
USUALLY NO. If I got into the movie for free, possibly. If I'm on a date - no. If I paid for my own ticket, hell to the no.
NY Mag would like to add [some things I didn't mention]:
How many seats can I save?
It’s simple: You can save one seat for each person in your party who has already purchased a ticket. So, friend in the popcorn line: Yes. Friend en route with Fandango receipt: Yes. Friend who hedged and said she might tag along for Spider-Man 3: No.
Can I text-message if the movie gets dull?
Can you shine a flashlight into the eyes of people behind you? No. Just because something doesn’t make noise doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly, annoyingly distracting. If you have urgent business to conduct, walk outside.
Do I have to clean up?
Tough one. But we side with Jerry Seinfeld on this, who said, “We have a deal with the theaters: You rip us off with overpriced, oversized crap we shouldn’t be eating in the first place, and when I’m done I just open my hand.” That said, don’t be a pig.
Can I talk during the movie?
We’d like to say, “No, no, never, no, absolutely not.” But the days of respectful silence are gone. During the pre-film ads, speak as much and as loudly as you like. Whispers and derisive yelps are permissible during trailers. During the feature, you must limit yourself to the occasional whisper. Silence is preferred, but a hushed “Wait—didn’t she die in that car wreck back there?” is okay. There is one exception to these rules: the brilliant, brave comment in the terrible movie. For us, it was at I Know What You Did Last Summer, in a particularly histrionic scene of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s emoting that a guy shouted out “Oscar clip!” and provided the high point of the night.
Anyone Else Watch "I Want to Work for Diddy?"
I'm obsessed with Diddy's latest show (embarrassed? - yes, will I continue watching it? - hell-to-the-yes). You can describe it as a fast-paced, slightly ghetto jet-setter version of the 'Apprentice'. Kim AKA Poprah, as she calls herself, has been keeping me constantly entertained on the show. Did you all see last week when she broke down and said that the reason that she gained weight was to keep men from hitting on her constantly in the industry? Well, given that she seems a tad bipolar and has once compared herself to greats such as Oprah and Martin Luther King, I was skeptical. Yet, it turns out she wasn't lying (completely) and was definitely kicking it with celebs in the music industry. Who would have thought?
Check it:
[Thanks to straightfromthea]
Daily Prayer: R. Kelly
OMG, I have no words. Jesus, please help him.
R. Kelly Interview - Jesus take the wheel!
Reponse from Flex Pretty Much Says it All:
FYI...I'm from the Chicago area - the man has always been like this. First of all he carries cash around and hangs out in the mall luring young women. Yes, this was 10 years ago, but he was in his 30's even then - just NASTY. I remember one of the first concerts I went to he literally pulled a high school classmate of mine on stage (we were 15 at the time) and proceeded to grind all over her - NOT a good look. Damn, does this mean I have to delete all of his songs? Considering I cringe every time a song gets played, I guess the answer is "yes." damn, Damn, DAMN GINA! I also heard he's illiterate. Until now, I thought that was gossip, but I think I'm sold. Completely sold...
Question on Race in America
Just wanted to share a conversation I had with a white female co-worker the other day. She made a statement that kind of caught me off-guard. Please believe I didn't share too much of my opinion with her, but I did, in fact, disagree. It's still been on my mind, so I thought I'd ask you all the same question.
Do white women have it worse than black men in America? Or to restate this question in other terms, is sexism more of a problem in America than racism? Her opinion is simply "yes." Given this election, I'm sure a lot of white women are feeling this same way. And if Obama wins this election, will this prove her assumption? Now, for the record it amazes me that anyone, other than black women, can say that they have it harder than black men. But even I can't say that black women have it harder than black men. I know black men and women have different struggles, but I'm not sure who has it the "hardest." But that's just my opinion.
Maybe this is why black men are so drawn to white women (and vice versa) - due to their similar "struggles" and all? (*Please note the cynicism.)
Personally, I've always felt that my being "black" trumps being a woman. Sexism I can deal with. Everyone has a woman in their life in some form or fashion - at some point they are forced to confront that - right? However, I was born black which is a very unique circumstance that only other black people can begin to understand on so many different levels. However, a discussion on the impacts of race will take me several volumes of text explain, so I'll just stop now.
In her defense, she does admit that she feels that black women have it the worst. Also we work in a male dominated field of engineering & information technology, so I can slightly see her point. However, the black male representation is smallest of all in our office - so what's the basis? I agree sexism does exist, but to draw a parallel to what black men have gone through for hundreds of years is a bit much. I disagree when my gay friends do the same thing - not the same, I sympathize, but that's another post as well. So I guess I'm still a bit confused.
What do you think? Speak on it...
"White Privilege" by Tim Wise
Wow - this is so good. I have to share the entire article here. Please provide your thoughts [check out more here]:
For those who still can’t grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help.
White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because "every family has challenges," even as black and Latino families with similar "challenges" are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay.
White privilege is when you can call yourself a "fuckin’ redneck," like Bristol Palin’s boyfriend does, and talk about how if anyone messes with you, you'll "kick their fuckin' ass," and talk about how you like to "shoot shit" for fun, and still be viewed as a responsible, all-American boy (and a great son-in-law to be) rather than a thug.
White privilege is when you can attend four different colleges in six years like Sarah Palin did (one of which you basically failed out of, then returned to after making up some coursework at a community college), and no one questions your intelligence or commitment to achievement, whereas a person of color who did this would be viewed as unfit for college, and probably someone who only got in in the first place because of affirmative action.
White privilege is when you can claim that being mayor of a town smaller than most medium-sized colleges, and then Governor of a state with about the same number of people as the lower fifth of the island of Manhattan, makes you ready to potentially be president, and people don’t all piss on themselves with laughter, while being a black U.S. Senator, two-term state Senator, and constitutional law scholar, means you’re "untested."
White privilege is being able to say that you support the words "under God" in the pledge of allegiance because "if it was good enough for the founding fathers, it’s good enough for me," and not be immediately disqualified from holding office--since, after all, the pledge was written in the late 1800s and the "under God" part wasn’t added until the 1950s--while believing that reading accused criminals and terrorists their rights (because, ya know, the Constitution, which you used to teach at a prestigious law school requires it), is a dangerous and silly idea only supported by mushy liberals.
White privilege is being able to be a gun enthusiast and not make people immediately scared of you. White privilege is being able to have a husband who was a member of an extremist political party that wants your state to secede from the Union, and whose motto was "Alaska first," and no one questions your patriotism or that of your family, while if you're black and your spouse merely fails to come to a 9/11 memorial so she can be home with her kids on the first day of school, people immediately think she’s being disrespectful.
White privilege is being able to make fun of community organizers and the work they do--like, among other things, fight for the right of women to vote, or for civil rights, or the 8-hour workday, or an end to child labor--and people think you’re being pithy and tough, but if you merely question the experience of a small town mayor and 18-month governor with no foreign policy expertise beyond a class she took in college--you’re somehow being mean, or even sexist.
White privilege is being able to convince white women who don’t even agree with you on any substantive issue to vote for you and your running mate anyway, because all of a sudden your presence on the ticket has inspired confidence in these same white women, and made them give your party a "second look."
White privilege is being able to fire people who didn’t support your political campaigns and not be accused of abusing your power or being a typical politician who engages in favoritism, while being black and merely knowing some folks from the old-line political machines in Chicago means you must be corrupt.
White privilege is being able to attend churches over the years whose pastors say that people who voted for John Kerry or merely criticize George W. Bush are going to hell, and that the U.S. is an explicitly Christian nation and the job of Christians is to bring Christian theological principles into government, and who bring in speakers who say the conflict in the Middle East is God’s punishment on Jews for rejecting Jesus, and everyone can still think you’re just a good church-going Christian, but if you’re black and friends with a black pastor who has noted (as have Colin Powell and the U.S. Department of Defense) that terrorist attacks are often the result of U.S. foreign policy and who talks about the history of racism and its effect on black people, you’re an extremist who probably hates America.
White privilege is not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is when asked by a reporter, and then people get angry at the reporter for asking you such a "trick question," while being black and merely refusing to give one-word answers to the queries of Bill O’Reilly means you’re dodging the question, or trying to seem overly intellectual and nuanced.
White privilege is being able to claim your experience as a POW has anything at all to do with your fitness for president, while being black and experiencing racism is, as Sarah Palin has referred to it, a "light" burden.
And finally, white privilege is the only thing that could possibly allow someone to become president when he has voted with George W. Bush 90 percent of the time, even as unemployment is skyrocketing, people are losing their homes, inflation is rising, and the U.S. is increasingly isolated from world opinion, just because white voters aren’t sure about that whole "change" thing. Ya know, it’s just too vague and ill-defined, unlike, say, four more years of the same, which is very concrete and certain.
White privilege is, in short, the problem.
Dr. Phil N-Word Show Recap - Madness
Ok, so as I expected, no major problems were solved, no minds were changed, and I definitely got pissed, but I watched Dr. Phil's N-Word special.
Long story short, here's the ish that pissed me off:
1. A White Woman who thinks she's perfectly justified in calling her BLACK husband "nigger." My problem is not with her using it, but for the black man who allows her to call him a nigger on a daily basis. Whether the word is used in jest or in an argument, I cannot imagine this ever being "ok" to any black men I know. Question for my black men out there - is this okay?
2. Similarly, there was a black woman (who made a point to say that she has a masters and law degree) allows her white husband to call her a nigger, not to mention she calls him a nigger and feels it's only a problem if you "give" power to the word. Damn. Sisters, do you think this is cool? Does this mean we've come that far that a white man can now call us a "nigger?" I guess for her it's cool with that master's degree and all - she's no nigger.
3. Lastly, several young black men on the show defending the word and clearly not knowing the history behind the word. I mean I've heard and I continue to hear it around different groups of friends, family, etc, but I just have never adopted that word in my lexicon.
4. A couple white women and a mexican woman telling Paul Mooney to "get over it" - slavery ended decades ago. I've heard this argument a lot and they have some nerve. I NEVER hear anyone telling Jews to "get over it" - and may I add that the African Holocaust trumped that event in history by hundreds of thousands of people and happened right here in the great ole' USA.
What do you think?"The events which transpired five thousand years ago;
Five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined
what will happen five minutes from now; five years
From now or five thousand years from now.
All history is a current event."
- Dr John Henrik Clarke -
Gotta Laugh to Keep from Crying...
Lots of clips, but believe me, it's worth it if you are as frustrated with politics as I am right now, lol. It's driving me INSANE, these next 6 weeks can't go by fast enough! I'm starting yoga tomorrow - seriously.
These are my favorite RNC vids, enjoy.
The Best F*cking News Show visits the RNC:
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog at the RNC -HILARIOUS!!!:
*Corniness Alert* - "Yes we Klan - RNC Theme"
Article: Enough!: Why Obama Should Release His Righteous RageI don't necessarily know how I feel about this article. I definitely understand and agree slightly with the point they are making, but this is a little bit overboard. Should I be offended? Not sure. I DO know that I agree with the fact that it's time for Obama to get a little upset. I appreciate his levelheadedness, but if the American People want John Wayne - give them John Wayne (check the pic). If the American People want a mom they can relate to, then Michelle needs to put on some jeans, a headband, and get her ass to WalMart. It's getting down to the wire and I'm getting extremely frustrated with these recent polls.
The first part of the article that really grabbed my attention is here:
"This is clearly part of Obama's lifelong attempt to present a nonthreatening persona, what Shelby Steele has dubbed the "iconic Negro." Think Oprah, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods. Now picture them in your mind... they're smiling aren't they?" - What?!
And PLEASE check out this video that they put at the end of the article - A TRIP. I swear they have Sidney Poitier saying "They call me MR. TIBBS!" in the end. Hilarious. I think?
Remember 9/11: Kevin Cosgrove
I am so tempted not to put this on here. It's extremely emotional as this is the 911 call made by Kevin Cosgrove as the building was collapsing. This is very real:
This video has put another human element into the reality of what happened on 9/11. My prayers are with all families affected. If you are easily disturbed, do not watch this video. I will remove it after tonight. It serves to show the reality of the 9/11 event and the 2700 people who lost their lives - it could have been any of us.Cosgrove is notable due to the recording of his final moments of life, which were used during the Moussaoui trials, the only criminal trials to result from the attacks. His final scream of “Oh, God, Oh...” as the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed made international headlines.[1]
Cosgrove was a Vice President of Claims for Aon Corporation. According to the 911 recording played during Moussaoui's trial, Cosgrove was located in the northwest corner of the 105th floor in the South Tower (Tower 2). He told 911 dispatchers he was calling from John Ostaru's office and had two other indiviuals with him. One he mentions by name, Doug Cherry. The second individual is often assumed to be John Ostaru since the call was made from his office but Ostaru is not listed as a victim of the attack. After American Airlines flight 11 impacted the North tower, Cosgrove reportedly called his wife to let her know that he was alright and was preparing to evacuate the building. However, before Cosgrove was able to evacuate, United Airlines flight 175 impacted the South tower, trapping him.
Wine Selection: 101
I just returned home from a hard day's work and a full day of class......I want to relax......I need a DRINK! So, I head to the kitchen and pop a bottle of wine gifted to me by my "friend" for my big day..... I took one sip of it and all I have to say is ewwwwww [he's a true sweetheart and it's totally the thought that counts - he's the bomb]. So, for my education, I looked up a wine-how-to lesson. Hopefully the breakdown will be good for you guys; in fact, maybe it will be good enough for you to print out and remember for when your wine selection day arrives. Whether it be in a restaurant or a wine cellar - hopefully these tips will come in handy. Also - if you are a connoisseur, please provide any comments or feedback - we all need to learn. Yes - another reason to drink! And for the record, my fav is Pinot Noir :) Cheers!
Wine pairing
Pairing up wine is somewhat of a cliche', red with beef and white with salad. However, below I listed a few lessons I learned on Pairing wine:
Chardonnay: The most popular white wine in America, Chard grapes generally produce full-bodied wines. California, Burgundy (France) and Australia’s Margaret River all produce world-famous Chardonnays.
- Foods to pair with Chardonnay: grilled cheese sandwiches, vegetable lasagna, steamed lobster or crab, chicken tamales
- Names to try: Louis Latour (France), Ruffino Libalo (Italy), J Lohr (USA), Kim Crawford (New Zealand)
- Foods to pair with Pinot Noir: anything in mushroom sauce, grilled salmon or tuna, pumpkin soup
- Names to try: Dehlinger (USA), Mount Riley (New Zealand), Drouhin (France), Byron (USA)
Gamay: Learn this name, for it represents some of the best bargains in the red wine world. This fruity red is most famously the grape used in France’s Beaujolais wines, but Gamay is also becoming better known in California and Canada.
- Foods to pair with Gamay: potato dishes, spicy sausage, roast chicken, pizza
- Names to try: Jadot (France), Preston (USA), Mommessin (France)
Cabernet Sauvignon: The most popular red wine grape in the Unites States, Cabernet is the one you’ll need to know to impress the average man. Most California cult wines are made from Cabernet or are Cab blends.
- Foods to pair with Cabernet Sauvignon: pot roast, wild game, chicken and mashed potatoes, hamburgers and fries
- Names to try: Joseph Phelps (USA), Penfolds (Australia), Clos du Val (USA), Montes Alpha (Chile)
Sparkling Wine: Champagne is sparkling wine, but not all bubbly is Champagne. Confused? In order to be called Champagne, a wine must come from the Champagne region of France. But that doesn’t mean that other bubbles are inferior. Great sparkling wines come from Spain, Italy, Australia and the United States.
- Foods to pair with Sparkling Wine: There are two types. For Blanc de Blanc, try popcorn, potato chips, caviar, bacon and eggs. Brut Champagnes are great with cheeses, fish in cream sauce and even chocolate chip cookies.
- Names to try: Perrier Jouet (France), Iron Horse (USA), Gosset - pronounced Go Say - (France), Gloria Ferrer (USA)
Learn the Obama Hustle - Detroit is BIZAAAACK!
My Auntie Pat just sent me this and I had to post it. They are SO sincere. But is it just me or does the Obama hustle look like the electric slide? Oh, and I'm not going to say anything, because I respect my elders, but someone got a little extra creative with their Obama shirt. Enjoy.
Tell me Ms Erma and Ms Lean didn't do the damn thang, lol.
Dr. Phil: N-Word on Friday
Since we have the klansman on here, let's keep it ish rolling. Dr. Phil has a show airing on Friday that discuses the "N-word." Let's try and DVR this to see how it's going to be:
FRIDAY September 12, 2008 "The N-Word Debate" Show
This two-syllable expression is arguably the most divisive word in society. Dr. Phil tackles this touchy topic with help from a panel of outspoken luminaries: civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton; legendary comedian and writer Paul Mooney; CSI actor and author Hill Harper; comedian Sheryl Underwood and conservative radio talk show host Michael Graham. First, is there a double standard that allows African-Americans to use this sensitive word, while non-blacks are forbidden? The debate heats up when Rachel, a white guest, says she calls her husband the N-word all the time. Then, should hip-hop artists be censored or fined for using the N-word in their songs? Becky says rappers promote negative stereotypes with their lyrics, but find out who Rev. Al Sharpton thinks should face the music. Plus, does tone or intent make a difference when using the N-word? Take a poll!
Snippet from show:Woman in Audience to Paul Mooney: "You are the most racist person on this entire panel"Show Message Board is here. Let's talk about it! What do you think this show will accomplish? This reminds me, I have Paul Mooney tickets for his upcoming show in DC and I can not wait.
Paul Mooney: "Well white folks taught me!"
OHN: Klansman set FREE? WTF
NEW ORLEANS -- A federal appeals court on Tuesday overturned the conviction of a reputed Ku Klux Klan member serving three life sentences for his role in the 1964 abduction and killing of two black teenagers.
A three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said it agreed with arguments by James Ford Seale's attorney that the statute of limitations in the case had expired.
I'm a law student and Full time Professional - so excuse me, I haven't read complete details of this case BUT HOW DOES THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON A FREAKING MURDER EXPIRE!!! WHAT THE F*CK! This ish makes me SICK - I don't care if the bastard is 150 years old, throw his ass in a cage and let him die. I know that's harsh, but throw his ass in there. I'm against the death penalty - so just let his ass suffer and die in the jail. I'm from Mississippi, so this hits extremely close to home for me, but there would be nothing better for me to see than his raggedy ass living a miserable ass life at Parchman Farm. Please share your thoughts. Let's also keep the families involved in this ordeal in our thoughts and prayers.Seale was convicted in June 2007 of kidnapping and conspiracy in the abductions of Charles Eddie Moore and Henry Hezekiah Dee, both 19, who disappeared from Franklin County in Mississippi May 2, 1964. Their decomposed bodies were later pulled from the muddy waters of the Mississippi River.
The 20-page ruling noted the alleged crimes occurred in 1964 and the indictment against Seale was issued in 2007.
"The more than 40-year delay clearly exceeded the limitations period," said Judge Harold R. DeMoss Jr., writing for the panel of judges that included W. Eugene Davis and Jerry E. Smith. "The district court erred by failing to recognize the presumption that changes affecting statutes of limitation apply retroactively, even without explicit direction from Congress."
OHN - McCain/Palin on some Massive B.S.! - Fear and Smear
Have you been to John McCain's website lately? I swear he has a video up of when he was a POW smoking that cigarette while giving an interview in his cell. I mean come ON now. Don't exploit something you did years ago (along with 600 other POWs) to prove that you have what it takes to serve as president of the UNITED STATES. WTF? The homeless man on my corner also fought in Vietnam - in fact he even lost a limb (bonus points) - but I wouldn't vote for his crazy ass for president. Might give him a couple dollars, but nope - not the nomination, and definitely not the title of Chief of State.
Oh, and Palin (who prefers to be called a pitbull with lipstick) crying sexism every minute is getting on my NERVES. This election is getting really negative really quick and I HATE it. We're losing focus of the issues. The issues that we've been dealing with for EIGHT years (the economy, poor schools, the war in Iraq, etc). If Obama can bring back THAT focus, he wins, if not....can't even say, but some Americans are dumb as rocks. How else can you explain why 49% of blue collar workers, who would financially benefit from having a Democratic president, are backing McCain, while only 40% are backing Obama? Btw, are the other 11% undecided? If so, that scares me.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! This shit stuff is CRAZY. I'm sorry y'all just had to vent.
Check out another video I found about John McCain as a POW:
Please watch this video too - TOO SCARY. Show's how fear tactics have been a tool for 8 years and why it will continue to be under a McCain administration. Scary ish.
Funny or Not? You Decide...
Obama Obama (A Millie Remix)
Sorry, couldn't help it. This has been out for a while, but I received this link in an email again today and had to share. Hey, at least kids are involved in the political process, lol.
"Damn I hate a Maverick, don't you hate a Maverick? Plus McCain's an old pr*ck..."
"Critics say he won't beat John McCain, he don't wear flags and his middle name's Hussein"
Man Obama's so ILL...(not sick)...
What's your favorite line?
OHN! Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann Removed
OH. Hell. No. What in the hell.....WTF? Huh?
Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews have been removed from their live event anchoring positions at MSNBC. The Washington Post and the Associated Press are reporting that MSNBC has bowed to the pressure of Republicans, Democrats, viewers and journalists at MSNBC and NBC News who believe that Olbermann's and Matthews' style of biased reporting was inappropriate for events like the Democratic and Republican national conventions. The two left leaning anchors will be kept as political commentators and contributors to live events but the anchoring of the major political events, such as the debates and the presidential election in November, will be done by David Gregory, an NBC newsman and White House correspondent who also has his own show on MSNBC.As for their own shows, "Countdown," hosted by Keith Olbermann, and "Hardball," hosted by Chris Matthews, will maintain their regular schedule. Although the internet is alight with stories of Olbermann and Matthews getting fired, canned, or dumped, the truth of the matter is that they've only been taken off anchoring positions at major political events. [thanks associated content]These are my TWO favorite anchors and I am a bit disappointed with MSNBC for their removal. At any rate, Bill O'Reilly, FOX news, and the Republicans prosper. Wow. Thoughts?
Things I HATE Right Now
1. McCain Supporters - are you just retarded or racist too? If we happen to be graced with your presence, please, Please, PLEASE explain why you're voting for this man. I want facts. PLEASE NOTE: I'm NOT asking about why you oppose or disagree with Obama, but for you to clearly articulate why you are FOR John McCain and/or Sarah Palin. Do the damn thing, prove me wrong.
2. Lil Wayne embarrassing Black America (make that Black Humanity around the world) on the VMA's literally showing his ass on stage. Btw, I hate myself for half-way liking his ignorant-ass music. Such a contradiction, I know. (see below)
3. Fox News. Case in point: Bill O'Reilly. I mean how does this man still have a show? Well I'll tell you - it's those ignorant as mofos I mentioned in item #1. Personally, I think these people should NOT be allowed the right to vote, but who am I to deny the mentally challenged their civil rights?
4. Bristol Palin IS an issue. Especially when Sarah exploits her family for votes. If she mentions that son who's going to Iraq tomorrow one more time, I'll scream. Did anyone forget that Biden's son is also going to war? Long story short: If Barack's pastor is an issue, so is Palin's own daughter. Stop the madness.
5. Sarah Palin talking about putting that plane on eBay. What? And? Oh, let's also mention that accent. Omg - stop saying Alaska. Please.
6. Undecided voters. Who are these people? I'm assuming white people who still haven't come to terms with voting for a black man, but may potentially have enough sense not to vote for John Mccain. Well in that case, just don't vote. But seriously, what could you possibly be undecided about? The candidates are starck contrasts of one another. How can you be "unsure" about what you stand for? What social issues you support? Your stance on the war? What does fiscal responsibility mean to you? What issues are important to you? Please explain.
7. Not that I've watched this madness, but I must also mention the following shows: NY Goes to Hollywood, Luke (omg, can't believe he got a show), Flavor of Love, and let's just say all of BET. Someone is trying to ruin it for Barack Obama. I mean if you live in small towns (particularly in the midwest and south) where you rarely encounter African Americans, these shows will affect some votes. Don't you think? LOL, let's hope not, but it's possible.
Things I LOVE Right Now1. The Hills - I had some serious conflicts in watching this show - true. But now I've come to terms on how much I LOVE this show - fake tans and all. I've gone from a serious state of denial--->to self confrontation--->to sheer embarrassment--->to complete ACCEPTANCE. *Yay* So happy Audrina and Lauryn are BFF's again btw.
2. Watching Bush admit that he was wrong and then announce troop withdrawals from Iraq this morning. Ok, so he didn't admit he was wrong, but it was still great watching his ass try to make it seem like Iraq was a success. Americans better not fall for this! Come on now. By the way, he took Obama's advice and instead made the decision to deploy more troops to the real area of threat: Afghanistan. Looks like Obama wouldn't be so bad with foreign policy. I'm just sayin'.
3. Flex time & VPN Technology - LOVE IT. I'm sitting in the bed right now with my laptop watching this Bush speech (on the troop withdrawal). Gotta love it.
4. Anything Apple - iPod, iPhone, and my Macbook! Luvs it! Even thinking about getting the iMac - not that I need it, but the Apple store is addicting. I don't know what's in the air, but their sales strategy is AWESOME. Maybe I even need an apple tv?
Michelle O on Ellen!
I love it when she says she KNOWS she's a better dancer than Barack O! Loves it! Check it here:
p-special! Kwame K!

For the Ipod...
It's raining outside and I'm in a chill mood today. Thought I'd share a few songs I have on rotation at the moment:
Les Nubians ft Black Thought of the Roots - Taboo
Beyonce - Speechless
Curtis Mayfield - Diamond in the Back
Jill Scott - Cross my Mind
What are your favorite songs on a rainy day?
Throwing Their Own Words Back
The Daily Show
Gotta Love It
O'Riley Interview (like talking to a brick wall)
Sorry I have no review for the McCain speech - too boring to watch. I'll catch up this weekend. If you watched it, let me know what you thought about it. I'm guessing he talked about being a POW, something about God, and how he loves America. But I could be wrong. Holla back.
Please check this out - Piper Palin, America's new YouTube sensation, Fav Part - "Oh, and another fucking thing about white people: When a black guy gets one, all of a sudden they make a Harvard Law degree something to sneer at? That’s a disqualifier for leadership? Now it’s all about public schools and the PTA?" - Preach!
I assume Obama's eloquence and Ivy League education only add to the opinion that he's an uppity negro...he just can't win with some people... I guess he needs to keep his ass below that glass ceiling, Harvard degree or not. Stay in your place boy!
Kerney Thomas
I left off daily prayer for today b/c this man prays a lot as it is :). Whenever I make the daily prayer posts, it's really in jest - it does not serve to poke fun at anyone's religion. I consider myself a Christian who leans on the spiritual side. I pray almost daily and try to keep a connection to the Higher Being in one way or another.... okay - enough of explaining myself... on with the story...
So this morning, I woke up out of my sleep around 4:00 am and a minister by the name of Kerney Thomas was on the air (I believe it was BET - how my tv got on bet, I have no clue). Well, all the screaming is what got me up - BUT he was also laying hands on the ill, providing financial prayers, and getting testimonials. There was one part though that threw me off. It was the "Personal Prayer Package." The way it works is you get a red handkerchief and he prays over it for whatever you need. Hm.... I don't know the Bible back and forth, but this I just don't get. Anybody have opinions on these types of ministers?? Do you find this atypical of BET programming? lol.
Below is the video [try to watch the entire thing and let me know how you feel also - please excuse the first part of this video, I have no opinion or thoughts on "naive and superstitious"]:
1:00 Miracle Prayer Line Caller - the caller is HIV positive and he says, "My God"
2:15 This is where I woke up and started watching it
3:00 Miracle Prayer Line Caller - caller just ordered the "Personal Prayer Package" and she makes a donation of $75.00 to his ministry.
5:00 He gives a prayer for a woman for financial help
6:45 Miracle Prayer Line Caller - financial prayer and ache in leg, and he said it worked.
8:06 He stops his prayer to ask the man if he wants to own or rent the home... the man responds, " own!"
**NOTE** there will be an upcoming daily prayer for BET.
Sarah Palin - Pitbull with Lipstick, Maverick?
No matter what you believe, Sarah Palin came out with guns blazing (pun intended) at the RNC tonight. If there was any doubt that she'd be strong enough to run on the ticket, all doubts have been removed. And luckily for Obama supporters she opened up the gates for equal (yet far more legitimate) attacks. That sexism argument is now NIL. In my personal opinion, the speech was the biggest load of B.S. I've ever heard (well since the "we're winning in Iraq" comments from yesterday). The one-liners were classic republican attacks, lacking critical thinking or substance, and oozing of desperation. They went to straight "yo mama" level with this one. But for real, thanks for opening up the doors Sarah - good job. We welcome the "debate."
Somehow I think the Democrats are somewhere cracking up at this shit tonight. It's going to be an interesting race.
Hopefully the rest of the world was not watching this insanity. It was quite embarrassing. A friend of mine said it best, she said "Sarah Palin is a 10 lb. bag of shit in a 5 lb bag." Still, she was gangster, you have to admit - memorized the speech and everything. Gang-ster.
Did anyone notice her parading that downs syndrome baby in front of the cameras after her speech. She is not playing around. You know you thought it.
These Folks are Insane
This is what happens to buppies when they get a little money, and forget the REAL history of American politics.. Who wants to pay higher taxes? Understandable. But this is deplorable. Is this our future buppies - will we lose our minds after we pass that million dollar mark? Will we forget about our own community? Our morals? Our common purpose? Speak on it.
Let's Pray for the Kids
We need to volunteer more. I've been super busy, but this freaking video just reminded me of the importance of volunteering. Alright - I'm all for the kids having different forms of self-expression... I really am. However, this ish just makes me hang my head low in shame. I mean all the way to the ground, I just picked my head up out of the dirt low. I love the kids, but lord someone go provide some guidance! Somebody call Simon Cowell! We need some American Idol judges up in here! That's it - tomorrow, I'm signing up to volunteer![btw, the beat is not bad]
Rush Limbaugh: go to hell.
This guy has got to be on crack. Seriously, this guy has to be on some sort of drug - we already know he's snorting hate, but he's also on some other ish. Now... he's gone and called Barack THE LITTLE BLACK MAN-CHILD... wow the eff? Al Franken, comedian and all - has a point, the guy is an idiot. Anywho, read for yourself.
"[S]ee, there are Democrats — the drive-bys" — a term Limbaugh uses to denote the national media — "are just so upset with these so-called 'ferocious attacks.' These have been benign. Even the Britney Spears/Paris Hilton ad was funny. It was benign." He later added: "It's — you know, it's just — it's just we can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism's saying, you can't hit the girl, and you can't — you can't criticize the little black man-child. You just can't do it, 'cause it's just not right, It's not fair. He's such a victim."
Limbaugh previously claimed that "nobody criticizes [Sen.] Hillary [Clinton]. … Well, you might say, 'No, Michelle Obama and Mrs. [Elizabeth] Edwards are out there criticizing her,' but, see, I finally figured this one out, too. You can't hit the girl. You just — you can't hit the girl." He continued: "And for [former Democratic presidential candidate John] Edwards and Obama to go out there and criticize Hillary would — she would — she plays the victim better than anybody does, and she could make real hay out of that. So they've got their wives out there ripping her."
Wreck's in Effect....Still Kicking up Dust
Is it just me, or is this RNC mad BORING?! I know I'm a little biased, but this RNC is a SNOOZE fest. It's the same thing over and over - mentally unbalanced Bush supporters wearing cowboy hats (who probably can't read) attacking Barack Obama. Btw, check out this photo below, I think it's pretting obvious who's holding it down for McCain. Oh, check out these vids. One is completely immature, but HILARIOUS. The other is extremely eye opening. Enjoy.
Daily Prayer: Spaghetti Cat
0:57 - Faye dips Tessa's paws into a bowl of water while singing "this is the way we wash our paw, wash our paw." This ish looks like a scene right out of a horror movie. Help!
1:09 - Tessa is eating spaghetti with a plastic fork while wearing a bib! Faye velcros the utensil to Tessa's paw. Tessa has better manners than I do.
1:30 - Tessa is using chopsticks! Freaking chopsticks! Faye tells us she thought it would be a good gesture since they were going to Korea. This is too much. I can't take it. Help me please!
1:37 - Tessa is eating ice cream with a spoon!!!! Faye says that Tessa would also like to have a meal with Oprah Winfrey. The sad part is that I think Faye actually heard Tessa tell her that.
Alright...... I'm impressed, but at the same time - I have no words. Help me. [thanks d-listed]
Obama Respects the Palin Family - They Don't Return Favor
For the record, this man is classier than I, because I would have shut her shit DOWN! (kidding) But in a statement released today Barack Obama said "Let me be as clear as possible. I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor of her potential performance as a vice president." [true statement]
However, the McCain camp was still playing a strong defense. In this CNN article it mentions that "Barack Obama became annoyed when asked about a Reuters news service report that quoted an unnamed senior McCain aide saying that Obama's name appears in liberal blogs speculating about Trig's parentage in a way that certainly juxtaposes themselves against their 'campaign of change'." [WHAT]
But as you know Obama answered that question clearly and directly stating that he was offended by that statement and that noone in his camp was involved in the spreading of those rumors. Adding that if they had, they'd be fired.
Btw, the RNC hasn't even started, but did you hear that Donna Brazile (my homegirl) already got hit with pepper spray? This moral party of "morals" is out of control. This should be an interesting few days. I hope the clan is there.
For the Ipod...
Waiting for the World to Change - John Mayer
Sweet Music - Alicia Keys (turn up your sound)
He Still Loves Me - Beyonce and Walter Williams Sr. (Turn down sound)
Completely Unrelated - But Hilarious: Bill Maher's "New Rules" (MUST WATCH)
Oh HELL No! - Sarah Palin's 17 Yr. Old Daughter Pregnant
In order to clear rumors that were referenced in our previous blog entry, CNN just released a statement from the Palin camp regarding her teenage daughter's pregnancy!
Full statement from Sarah and Todd Palin:
"We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us. Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.
"Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates."
Okay - how about THIS. Since McCain had so much success with that Britney Spears/Paris Hilton commercial touting Obama as a just a "celebrity", I'd LOVE if one of these independent organizations created a Jamie Lynn Spears/Bristol Palin commercial and directly attack her inability to even handle her own household. Fair is fair (*wink*). Can't wait for the Conservative Christian fallout as they aren't necessarily open minded. Before today, Palin was their hero, pro-life and was for abstinence only sex education programs in schools (oh the irony). Well, now that I think about it, they did vote for Bush and his alcoholic daughters TWICE. But this definitely can't be "good" news for the McCain campaign.
What do you think?
Prayer: Maury Style

In the case of Trig Palin, Sarah you are NOT the mother, but in fact the grandmother.
Let's pray for scandal today. *sigh* If you need more sources before you break into prayer go here or here [I don't know how truuue this is, but it's something to think about]. Somebody pass the cloth! With the high cost of this war that we're in, we American's have no other choice than to take this to Maury! Maury! Save us! If she is the grandmother, let's pray that Cindy Mac doesn't force Lil Sarah to hop on the Vicodin train.... you KNOW what I'm talking about.....I mean, it could happen - we need to pray about this. So, I'll be calling Maury to submit the DNA tests, somebody volunteer to call and get us some free guest tickets b/c we must be there to see this ish in person.
In March, Sarah told everyone she was 7-months pregnant. Everyone including her staff said they were shocked to find out, because she didn't look pregnant to them. They also said she's always been thin, because she's a runner.Sarah's 16-year-old daughter Bristol was taken out of her high school for 5 to 8 months. The school was told Bristol had mono.
While attending some Republican convention in Texas, Sarah began leaking amniotic fluid one month before her due date. She didn't check into the hospital. She gave her speech and then got on an 8-hour flight back to Alaska.Sarah gave birth in a hospital 45-minutes from the airport. Trig, who was born with Down Syndrome, was one month premature. Sarah was back to work 3 days later. [thanks dlisted.com]
Blog Roundup: Labor Day Edition
-- Over at Pamalicious, she gives us the rundown on an interesting open letter.
-- Mutilation of Slaves, a historical reminder of some of the horrors of slavery is covered over at Raw Dawg Buffalo's spot
-- Fried Chicken and Maduros tells us why she's mad..... and I agree with her.
-- Renaissance Black Woman shows us her shot face! Pass me the Patron if you don't want anymore ;)
-- Creole in DC shows us what really happens when you place a black bear against a puma.
We are keeping everyone who is affected by the hurricane in our prayers. Please reach out to your friends are in the gulf coast region.