We Did It!!!!!!
Buppies, I'm speechless. This rarely happens, but after partying all night, I'm still completely ecstatic! At this point i cannot describe the feeling I had when I saw the final results on the screen. With a house full of guests on pins and needles, seeing that shared elation was just AWESOME!!!!
And to put icing on the cake!, I rode down to the white house at about 1:30a.m. only to encounter deadlocked traffic with people (black, white, hispanic, middle-eastern) all crowded in the streets, screaming, giving high-fives, playing drums, singing, crying, hugging, and honking horns - it was surreal. Once I can put my words together, I'll try to add what I thought about at that moment. Until then, wow. Just wow.
President Barack HUSSEIN Obama!:
Take a look back? Well lets,
Lol, I dont know about yall ladies but I am exhausted and so satisfied.
Such a wonderful moment. I have been riding this Obama high all day. What I love also, how many people came out to vote. It is so beautiful. I hope people will continue this.
It seems that Bush (and McCain/Palin) was seen as the Wicked Witch from the South. Everyone seems to be singing. "Ding dong the witch is dead...".
It seems that Bush (and McCain/Palin) was seen as the Wicked Witch from the South. Everyone seems to be singing. "Ding dong the witch is dead...".
@ uglyblackjohn, my best friend posted Brand New Day to her facebook page, so yes, All the witches from the south are figuratively dead!!!
@ brightstarr, we did indeed do the damn thing. Words cannot describe the pure unbridled joy I have right now. I've been crying happy tears since I cast my ballot, shouting in the middle of the day, high-fiving co-workers of all races, hugging people who's hands I would usually just shake.
I think Chicago and DC had the same vibes. In the street, partying, dancing, singing (for real there was a glee club singing We Shall Overcome) and just celebrating.
The world is celebrating. So much change has already come, but we've got four years and I'll do whatever my PRESIDENT needs me too.
Yes!!!! Indeed we did...
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